West Hartford students helped Chief Academic Officer Irene Parisi with some coding practice during CS Education Week.
West Hartford is super proud to celebrate its first District Wide Hour of Code. We were happy to be joined by CAO Irene Parisi to help us with our celebration at Webster Hill Elementary School during CS Education Week. In addition, the amazing Jennifer Michalek and Norm Sondheimer joined in the fun.
Each Library Media Specialist, grade PreK-5, hosted different events to help kick-start each Elementary School's HoC. Every grade 6-12 math teacher committed to doing an Hour of Code with their students. CS Ambassadors joined math classes to help. In addition, many CS Ambassadors created videos for ES students. Several teachers chose to integrate computer science in their courses, grades PreK-12.
West Hartford's CS Education celebration is still going on... but here are some images from that first week.
Happy New Year and CS Ed Week!