Raised Bill 1033 (2021): An Act Concerning the Inclusion of Computer Science and Financial Literacy as part of the High School Graduation Requirements will hold a public hearing before the CT Legislature's Education Committee on March 17, 2021.
The Raised Bill 1033 (2021) changes a section of the graduation requirement from “nine credits in science, technology, engineering and mathematics” to “nine credits in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, including computer science”. The complete bill, Raised Bill No. 1033: AN ACT CONCERNING THE INCLUSION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND FINANCIAL LITERACY AS PART OF THE HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS, can be found here.
Should you wish to add your written testimony, please feel free to contact edtestimony@cga.ct.gov with a Word or PDF document before March 17's 10 am Legislative Session. A sample letter may be found at this link.