Skills21 is excited to announce the third year of an opportunity for teachers interested in the intersection between Science and Computer Science (CS). With support from the National Science Foundation, Skills21 is recruiting a cohort of teachers this year who want to engage their class in a CS challenge and present student team solutions at the 2020 Expo Fest on June 6, 2020 (
Through the Skills21 Science/CS challenge, student teams are compelled to develop a computer science product, service or solution leveraging a scientific discipline to meet a need, solve a problem or capture an opportunity. Student solutions might include mobile apps, wearable solutions or other innovative uses of computer science.
Participating teachers will receive:
- $1000 stipend for planning, out-of-class time engagement and curricular review
- $500 for project materials
- Onsite coaching and professional development
Participating teachers will need to:
- Pilot and/or provide feedback on Computer Science infused Science units including lesson plans and an end of unit performance assessment
- Bring a team of students to the 2020 Expo Fest to compete in the new Science/CS Challenge
- Allow Skills21 to conduct pre- and post-intervention surveys with their students (September and June)
What’s the time commitment?
- In and out of class time commitments for teachers will vary based on individual class settings. Experienced Skills21 staff will work with prospective teachers to help gauge the required time commitment and investment
Priority Eligibility:
- First priority is for teachers that work with traditionally underserved student populations but all should apply How to Get Involved.
Interested teachers should contact Liz Radday ( or Matt Mervis (