Here are a few important things we wanted to share with you which didn't make our regular newsletter!

Dear CSTA CT members, 

As you may know, CSTA is conducting a national survey of CS teachers and we’d love to see every member of our chapter contribute! This is a different survey from the CSTA chapter feedback survey. Please take 20-25 minutes out of your day to participate in this survey. The results will be used to make recommendations to improve support for CS teachers. 

As thanks for your time, the first 4,000 teachers who complete the survey will receive their choice of a $10 Tremendous gift card (options: Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, Dunkin). All participants will be entered in a raffle for one of five $200 gift cards.

Please feel free to share the survey with other CS teachers by forwarding this email! If you have any questions, please contact Thank you for contributing vital insights to improving K-12 computer science education!

Let's show them how awesome Connecticut is, and get 100% participation from members!

With appreciation,

CSTA CT Leadership

 The CSTA New England Conference is fast approaching!

Join us on November 2nd!

Join us on November 2nd, at Boston University for the 8th annual New England Conference. We're excited to be back in Boston and this year our theme will be "Reimagining a Connected Future through pK16 CS Education". Registration is open now!  
CASL 2024 ConferenceCASL Conference Info
Remember, your Connecticut Computer Science Teacher's association loves you!