From all of the board members to all of you: Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Enjoy your well earned break. Spend time with family and friends, rest and recharge, and know that we appreciate you and all you do for the kids.  You make a difference.
May 2025 bring you, and all those you love, health, happiness, and harmony.

About Us

CSTA Connecticut was established as your local computer science community. This chapter was built to connect you with other computer science teachers, provide professional development to help you improve your craft, and connect your local voice to the national computer science education community.

Announcements & Hype for our next Chapter meeting!

January Meeting - Thursday, January 16, 2025 - Virtual
We'll be discussing the Lt. Governor's Computing challenge. Come learn all about the different levels, the requirements, and make a plan to get your school involved. 
From the website: 

The  Challenge

The Lt. Governor's Computing Challenge is a statewide coding competition for Connecticut students. The "Coding for Good" challenge is open to all students who can enter on their own or as a team through their schools and through informal education partners such as the CT Stem Academy, The Girl Scouts, the Y’s, and other after school programs. This challenge is inspired by the work of the Governor's Council on Women and Girls: Subcommittee on Education and STEAM. This Challenge would not be possible without the support of our partners and sponsors.

RSVP/Register  here!
The December, in Person, Purposeful Play Meeting was a huge success. Thank you to all the new people who joined us in Hartford. We hope you had fun and came away with ideas you could use in your classroom the very next day.
We'd love to hear from any of you who have started using 3DuxDesign in your classroom - tell us what you did and how it went. 
And finally, a huge thank you to Marci from 3DuxDesign for a great presentation.