A live - in person - EVENT coming NEXT WEEK to Hartford CT...
Come play with us!
We have a fabulous workshop on Purposeful Play coming your way with Dr. Marci Klein of @3duxdesign! Join us on December 12, 7pm! 111 Charter Oak Ave, Hartford, and take home an unplugged activity! Register here: https://connecticut.csteachers.org/.../csta-ct-december.../
This is a FREE PD session where you will also get to meet new friends while you play! What could be better? Please feel free to share the event with any educator you think might be interested. 
RSVP here!
November Meeting Recap
Firstly, we want to thank everyone who attended our November Meeting. It was a wonderful event and we sure enjoyed meeting so many new people. 
During the meeting we heard about NCWIT - the National Center for Women & Informational Technology - and AiC - Aspirations in Computing. Here is the LINK to a pdf copy of the slides that Darwin Kovacs prepared. Thank you Darwin for such an engaging presentation. 
Our President, John Tusch, shared his experience at the annual convention, making all of us who could not attend jealous. Here is a LINK to a pdf copy of the wonderful presentation about the annual connvention that our own John put together.