Starting on May 22, 2025, we are going to start hosting a few in person monthly meetings. These meetings will most likely be held at a location near Hartford to make the location central to the state. We will update with locations as soon as we confirm our reservations. Why should you attend? As convienent as virtual meetings can be - nothing can beat meeting people face to face, making connections, and feeling part of a group. Attending our in person events allows you to focus on you, and not have your attention pulled away from learning. And the subjects we have planned.... it's going to be so much fun! So stay tuned for more info, and save the dates!
CSTA CT To Host In Person Meetings!
2025-01-14 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Tusch, John on Feb 14, 2024
Below you will find the recording, minutes, and slide deck from the February 12, 2024 chapter meeting. This includes the workshop, "Success Strategies for AP CSP" with CSTA-CT's Treasurer, Jacqueline Corricelli.
Feb 12, 2024 Chapter Meeting & AP CSP
Tusch, John
2024-02-14 05:00:00Z |
The NCWIT 2023 Aspirations in Computing Educator Awards Connecticut Affiliate Winners have been announced and congratulations go out to Chinma Uche, Academy of Aerospace and Engineering educator, and Laura Juarez, the Robotics Director of CT STEM Academy!
Congratulations to NCWIT 2023 Aspirations in Computing Educator Awards Connecticut Affiliate Winners!
Shawn Draczynski Tobin
2023-03-18 04:00:00Z |
CSTA CT proudly presents the annual CSTA New England conference on October 20, 2023 at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT.
CSTA CT Presents CSTA NE Conference in October 2023
Shawn Draczynski Tobin
2023-02-03 05:00:00Z |
Several of our members recently attended the CSTA conference and Chapter Leadership Summit in Chicago from July 13th - 17th, 2022.
CT CSTA members visit Chicago for the National CSTA conference!
J. Lang
2022-07-21 04:00:00Z |
On June 8th students and their Teachers from across the state came together at InfoSys in Hartford for a recognition event.
Lieutenant Governors Computing Challenge Awards Students across CT!
Christopher Kerr
2022-06-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr
This week (6/27) educators and Administrators from across the state gathered to train in Computer Science education across all grade bands!
Summer Professional Development at Sacred Heart University
Christopher Kerr
2022-06-30 04:00:00Z |
Congratulations to Priya Rajagopal, this year’s winner of the Connecticut chapter of the National Center for Women in Information Technology’s Aspirations in Computing Educator Award!
Congratulations to NCWIT 2022 Aspirations in Computing Educator Priya Rajagopal!
2022-04-22 04:00:00Z |
West Hartford students helped Chief Academic Officer Irene Parisi with some coding practice during CS Education Week.
2021 CS Ed Week - thanks to CAO Irene Parisi
J. Corricelli
2022-01-02 05:00:00Z |
Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz visited Nathan Hale Elementary School in Meriden, CT to witness some great Computer Science in action!
2021 CS Ed Week Huge Success
Christopher Kerr
2021-12-16 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Apr 27, 2021
Congratulations are in order for South Windsor Computer Science Teacher, and South Windsor Teacher of the Year 2019, Jamie Lang for receiving the 2021 Connecticut NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Educator Award. We reached out to Jamie to hear her story and gather some great tips you can use to improve your computer science presence in school for young womxn and the student body as a whole.
Congratulations to NCWIT 2021 Connecticut Aspirations Educator Award winner Jamie Lang
Christopher Kerr
2021-04-27 04:00:00Z |
Raised Bill 1033 (2021): An Act Concerning the Inclusion of Computer Science and Financial Literacy as part of the High School Graduation Requirements will hold a public hearing before the CT Legislature's Education Committee on March 17, 2021.
CT Legislative Education Committee Raised Bill 1033 (2021)
2021-03-16 04:00:00Z |
 Our Legislative Advocacy Advisor, Norm Sondheimer, watched the US Senate Confirmation Hearing for Secretary of Education of Dr. Miguel Cardona, Connecticut's Commissioner of Education. Read on to hear his observations and key quotes. Remember that Norm's passion is advocating for CS in our state - reach out to him to help at!
Commissioner Cardona taking his commitment to computer science education to Washington
Norm Sondheimer
2021-02-04 05:00:00Z |
Congratulations are in order. Our Secretary, Christopher Kerr, was honored in August 2020 to receive the Connecticut NCWIT Aspirations in Computing Educator Award.
Congratulations, Christopher Kerr!
Jacqueline Corricelli
2020-09-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Jacqueline Corricelli
On Thursday, 9/24/2020, I had the opportunity to talk with Connecticut Affiliate NCWIT Collegiate Award Winner, Tiffanie Edwards. Read on to learn more!
She's Here Now
Jacqueline Corricelli
2020-09-27 04:00:00Z |
Posted by J. Corricelli
" Computer science is everywhere, as are inequities, and we have the power to use and teach CS in a way that improves our society in the long run; to help our students use this amazing super power for good - to fight bias and to unite rather than divide us."
Reflection on this Past Year as an Equity Fellow
J. Corricelli
2020-07-23 04:00:00Z |
CT CSTA Member Laura DiScenza took time to write a summary of her experience last summer at the Pathfinders Institute. It comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Read on to learn more about why you should apply. Information about the application can be found HERE. Have YOU done/attended something amazing and would you like to share? Reach out to Jackie Corricelli ( or Chris Kerr ( and we will help you get your thoughts published.
Pathfinders Institute - Highly Recommended
Laura DiScenza
2020-05-06 04:00:00Z |
How did the CT CSTA represent at the State Capital this first week of March 2020? Read below!
CT CSTA representing at "Women and Girls Day" at the State Capital!
Dr. Norm Sondheimer & Christopher Kerr
2020-03-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Dr. Norman Sondheimer & Christopher Kerr on Dec 17, 2019
What happens when the CT CSTA gets involved with national CSEdWeek? EVERYTHING!
Connecticut Celebrates 2019’s Computer Science Education Week
Dr. Norman Sondheimer & Christopher Kerr
2019-12-17 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Oct 02, 2019
Join us for the 3rd Annual CSTA New England Regional Conference on Equity in Computing at Boston University on Saturday, October 26, 2019.
CSTA New England Regional Conference is open for registration!
Christopher Kerr
2019-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Sep 28, 2019
We're very excited to share with you that our own Jackie Corricelli has been selected as a CSTA Equity Fellow! As an Equity Fellow, Jackie will take part in a year-long program that elevates educators who have demonstrated success in disrupting the disparities impacting females, underrepresented students of color, English language learners, and students with special needs in order to bring their inclusive teaching practices and leadership to educators across the country and around the world at the 2020 CSTA Annual Conference.
CSTA VP Jackie Corricelli named in the CSTA Equity Fellowship!
Christopher Kerr
2019-09-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Sep 15, 2019
BostonFIGs annual festival took over two buildings in Harvard's athletic complex on September the 14th, exhibiting some of the most creative game development minds within New England. CT CSTA Secretary, avid game player and designer Christopher Kerr was on hand to capture the action and take a few lessons back to the classroom. What did he learn this year and what was uncovered that YOU use in your classroom? Find out after the jump!
CT CSTA Secretary Chris visits the Boston Festival of Indie Games
Christopher Kerr
2019-09-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Jackie Corricelli on Sep 13, 2019
So honored to join Seth Freeman and Shannon Marimon in Las Vegas, NV for Global CS Ed Con! I have spent the past two days sharing and learning from amazing CS educators, policy advocates, and district leaders from across the US. I am in awe of the amount of passion and creative thinking that can happen when inspired people assemble together. I felt honored to take part in this first-of-its-kind Global CS Ed Conference! Some things you must know: 1) There are CSTA Educator Standards - these are the things CS Teachers need to do well. You should check them out and review them! Do this HERE. 2) CS For All has created SCRIPT, a support system complete with RUBRICS and RESOURCES to support districts to come up with a plan for themselves. 3) CT CSTA and CSTA are here for you. Please join us at meetings! We cannot wait to create and share more ideas in person!
CSEdCon 2019
Jackie Corricelli
2019-09-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Corricelli, Jacqueline on Aug 28, 2019
NCWIT Awards for Teachers and Students
Corricelli, Jacqueline
2019-08-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Jul 24, 2019
Skills21 is excited to announce the third year of an opportunity for teachers interested in the intersection between Science and Computer Science (CS). With support from the National Science Foundation, Skills21 is recruiting a cohort of teachers this year who want to engage their class in a CS challenge and present student team solutions at the 2020 Expo Fest on June 6, 2020 (
Skills 21 Opportunity for all grade bands!
Christopher Kerr
2019-07-24 04:00:00Z |
Honor Societies have been a part of secondary and post-secondary institutions for hundreds of years. What if there were a way to bring a computer science honor society to your school? Virginia has led the US in this journey. Read on to learn how to bring an honor society to your school...
How to Start a CS Honor Society
2019-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Christopher Kerr on Jul 08, 2019
Connecticut Computer Science Teachers Association leaders, Betsy Dillard and Christopher Kerr, attend this year's national leadership conference in Phoenix Arizona this summer!
CSTA Membership attend CSTA 2019 Leadership Conference in Phoenix AZ!
Christopher Kerr
2019-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 08, 2019
According to Wikipedia, Girls Who Code was founded by Reshma Saujani in 2012 who came up with the idea of creating the organization during her run for the United States Congress when she noticed that schools along her campaign route lacked girls in computer science classrooms. Since 2012, these clubs have spread throughout the United States to try to right this wrong. I was recently contacted by our local point of contact, Emma Groves Baldacci, to ask if I can help spread information on our site about Girls Who Code. I love that she reached out to us! Let's please support this great cause. More information follows...
Girls Who Code
2019-07-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 06, 2019
CS is State Law in Connecticut Last night, I received a most exciting email from Norm Sondheimer, the CT CS Advocate who has been working tirelessly with so many people to channel energy toward the passage of this legislation. We are SO HAPPY to announce that it is official; Computer Science is State Law in Connecticut! Read on to learn about the legislation and our state level supporters...
CS is State Law
2019-06-06 04:00:00Z |
The Masters School in Simsbury, CT is seeking a computer sciences professional to lead their CS program.
Local Opportunity - The Masters School
2019-06-04 04:00:00Z |
Hello, One of the things CT CSTA hopes to use this site to do is to market local opportunities, like this one! Check out the start to a page devoted to opportunities by clicking the Local Opportunities button on the main page. If you have something you would like to share, email Hope it helps, CT CSTA
Local Opportunity - Greenwich Academy
2019-05-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted by CSTA on May 16, 2019
Computer Science Education, victories and challenges, were featured in the state capitol last Thursday, May 16. The Congressional App Challenge, a competition any public high school can enter, was the centerpiece event. Patrice Gans was the organizer for the event this year. Check out this wonderful article written by the CT Education Association all about the event.
Computer Science Education Highlighted in CT State Capitol
2019-05-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted by CSTA on Mar 15, 2019
We are excited to announce our new website. With the help of CSTA National, we have been working to build this site to do a better job helping you to learn about all of the supports available to you.
Our New Website
2019-03-15 04:00:00Z |